PETG “Blobbing”: What is it, and how do I prevent it from happening?

PETG Blobbing

PETG is a popular material for 3D printing because of its transparency, flexibility, and ease of use. However, one common problem that many 3D printing enthusiasts face while using PETG is a phenomenon known as “blobbing”. Blobbing occurs when the melted filament leaks out of the nozzle and forms small droplets of plastic on the surface of the print. This not only affects the appearance of the final product but can also cause printing issues such as layer separation or poor adhesion. In this article, we will discuss some of the key ways to avoid PETG blobbing and achieve a smooth and successful 3D printing experience.

Clean the Nozzle Regularly

One of the most common causes of blobbing is a clogged nozzle. A clogged nozzle prevents the filament from flowing smoothly and can lead to leakage and blobbing. To avoid this issue, make sure to clean your nozzle regularly and check for any blockages. You can clean the nozzle using a nozzle cleaner or by carefully heating up the nozzle and wiping it with a clean cloth.

Control the Flow Rate

The flow rate, also known as the extrusion multiplier, determines how much filament is extruded per step. If the flow rate is set too high, the filament can be extruded too quickly and cause blobbing. To avoid this, you can adjust the flow rate in your slicer software and experiment with different settings to find the optimal value for your printer.

Keep the Bed Temperature Low

The bed temperature plays a crucial role in preventing blobbing. If the bed temperature is too high, the melted filament can stick to the bed and cause blobbing. To avoid this, it is recommended to keep the bed temperature low, especially for the first few layers. The ideal bed temperature for PETG is between 70-80°C.

Use the Correct Retraction Settings

Retraction is the process of pulling the filament back into the nozzle to prevent oozing when moving between different parts of the print. If the retraction settings are incorrect, the filament can leak out of the nozzle and cause blobbing. To avoid this, make sure to use the correct retraction settings for your printer and material, and adjust them if necessary.

Use the Right Nozzle Size

The size of the nozzle also plays a role in preventing blobbing. A smaller nozzle size can cause filament to clog and blob, while a larger nozzle size can cause filament to leak out. To avoid this, make sure to use the right nozzle size for your material and printer.

Blobbing is a common issue when 3D printing with PETG but can be easily avoided by following these simple steps. By keeping the nozzle clean, controlling the flow rate, keeping the bed temperature low, using the correct retraction settings, and using the right nozzle size, you can achieve a successful and smooth 3D printing experience with PETG.